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MARCH 15, 1991
A.1. Please summarize the basic hypertext document
content, assembly & maintenance procedures?
MaxThink, Inc., Berkeley CA; and Pondlife, Inc.,
Kentfield CA; produce the DaTa database, under
contract to Deloitte & Touche. Anthony Phillips is
primary author for the DaTa CD-ROM.
Content - The database consists of both source text
and bibliographic reference records relating to
American, Canadian, and international auditing and
accounting practice. The input text is selected by
Deloitte & Touche professionals, and sent to Phillips
almost entirely in hard copy print format. Phillips
estimates that he receives no more than 5% of the
material in electronic format, suitable for direct
Database size - He estimates the database currently
consists of some 20,000-25,000 files, maintained in a
hypertext network web, which incorporates some 200
sub-networks. The database takes some 80 megabytes of
disk space; although there are only approximately 52
megabytes of actual text file or "logical" records;
the additional disk space is consumed because of the
nature of MS-DOS disk sectoring. Phillips adds or
updates approximately 3000-4000 documents per year.
This results in addition of about 6 megabytes per
year. He estimates 15% of the database "dies" by
replacement or deletion each year.
Conversion - Since most of the information is in
hardcopy form, the data must first be converted to
ASCII text in MS-DOS format, for entry into the
hypertext system. They use a Kurzweil Discover 7320
OCR unit, a top-of-the-line OCR product, for the
conversion. They elected to use MS-DOS text format,
for compatibility with the majority of microcomputers
used by field accountants and auditors. The
conversion is labor-intensive and therefore expensive:
Phillips estimates that conversion and reformatting
accounts for 80% of the total production effort.
Reformatting need - He points out that ALL the text
must be translated into an ASCII format suitable for
their simple display. He says, "What looks good in
print sure as hell doesn't look good on the screen!
We must do a lot of beautifying." Phillips states
that the extensive reformatting is necessary, since
their system must work with the lowest common
denominator of end user screen display. They plan or
allow for 24 lines, straight or plain ASCII text
display, and for an unknown quality of monitor.
Reformatting process - Phillips says there are three
basic steps in preparing the text for hypertext
1) "Get it clean." - This refers to
spellchecking and source proofing of the text produced
by the OCR conversion.
2) "Chunk it." - He goes through the text, to
mark it for splitting into small topical units of
nodes, "into lumps that make some sense." He inserts
"flags," or markers for automatic processing with the
"File Splitter" utility (below).
3) "Split it." - Phillips uses MaxThink's FS
(File Splitter) utility. This program reads the
original text file. It identifies flagged sections
and writes them to separate ASCII files. It also
produces a worklist file, containing the file names,
and comments,which were embedded in the identifying
Updating task - The hypertext textbase has been
assembled over the last several years. As mentioned
above, Phillips now estimates that approximately 15%
of the material becomes obsolete each year. He must
editorially decide between complete deletion of this
material, or whether to leave it for archival record,
with indication of the deleted or superseded status.
Phillips favors the archival approach, for material of
permanent reference value. He feels that much of this
will be important to potential researcher or
university users. "Besides," he says, "it cost us an
arm and a leg to get [convert] the stuff! Why throw it
A.2.a. Describe the general arrangement of the main
document file. (Unique document identification,
general logical arrangement, basic principle of
The documents are simple ASCII files, stored in a
series of disk subdirectories. Present and earlier
generations of MS-DOS can not efficiently store a
large number of files in a single disk directory.
Overloading a system directory results in poor file
retrieval and display performance. Therefore,
Phillips sets a limit of about 100 files per
directory, to avoid this degradation.
Even with this requirement for artificially splitting
the files into small subdirectory batches, the
MaxThink software can locate and access files fairly
easily. When the software searches for a filename, it
automatically searches for a disk subdirectory
matching the first 3 characters of the given filename.
For example, if searching for a file named
"CODE37A.TXT", the software will automatically check
for an MS-DOS subdirectory named \COD. If it is
present, it will find the file in that directory.
This default check makes it efficient to locate and
retrieve files stored in the limited small groups.
Phillips uses a combination of methods for assignment
of files to specific subdirectories. Some are defined
using a simple classification principle, such as
issuing agency, journal article source, etc. He
assigns other documents based on a personal conceptual
classification system. To do this, he analyzes the
document content according to 1) Entity, or type of
organization; 2) Subsystem within the entity; and 3)
Transaction type. [In effect, he is using a limited
form of facet analysis of the various aspects of the
document content - INVESTIGATOR]
As described above, MaxThink software efficiency
depends upon the first three letters of the filename
duplicating the three-letters subdirectory code.
After he decides upon a specific subdirectory storage
location, Phillips then uses a variety of approaches
to form the rest of the unique MS-DOS filename. If
the document is issued by an agency or promulgating
body, he often uses that agency's document or code
number. He may optionally use his standard syntax for
identifying the document section, subsection, page
number, etc.
A.2.b. Please summarize the general concepts of the
system's "user interface," the document access and
display methods, design of the presentation means,
Software interface:
Phillips says the system was designed using a "minimal
expectation of user ability." He calls it a "one-
finger system." After entering the system, the user
can traverse the hierarchy and the network connection,
and display document content by simply using the four
cursor arrow keys.
There are, of course, other operations handled by a
few function and mnemonic alphabetic keys, such as "P"
to print a document, "V" to view the hierarchy trail
leading to present position, F1 to display Online
Help, etc.
Phillips reports that they attempted to "minimize the
mental load for using the system." He says, "We
wanted the information to be the issue, not the
software." "We knew we were on the right tract when
we see new users begin interacting with the CONTENT,
agreeing or disagreeing with what they see on the
screen, within a few minutes of starting to use the
product. They totally forget about the system."
He feels that other hypertext system designers have
let software technology sophistication interfere with
simplicity and ease of operation. "I have a lot of
trouble with HyperCard," he says, "because of the
plurality of commands. And, then, when you get to
something like OWL Guide, KnowledgePro, and the
rest.... The issue's got to be the information, not
the software!"
Conceptual metaphor:
As a domain expert, Phillips has developed a
conceptual matrix covering the accounting/auditing
knowledge domain. [He is well qualified in this area,
with international practice experience with the now-
absorbed Touche-Ross firm; and service as their
representative to the Financial Accounting Standards
Board, a major industry policy body.]
He has literally translated the detailed conceptual
matrix into a interconnected web of over 200
hierarchical networks. He uses network-building
tools, described below, to build and maintain control
over the intricate knowledge representation. The
software lets him build a complex, three-dimensional,
conceptual web.
But at any one point, the user sees only a flat, two-
dimensional screen representation of exclusive topical
choices. The system thus retains the hierarchy's
advantage of offering clear, simple, choices to the
user, at every point. As Phillips describes it,
"Every screen represents a decision on how to reach
his answer, to find his topic." He says their system
provides the power to use descriptive metaphors, which
can communicate to the user the likely content behind
the various screen choices.
Before working on document access, he says that he
must first identify the multiple substantive or
"commonsense issues" covered in the document. Like
more traditional library catalogers or indexers, he
observes that he must do this "without knowing the
user's question." Phillips says that after he
positions the document file in the proper storage
area, as described above, he must then set about
providing multiple access points to the document. In
analyzing a document, Phillips says that he "goes to
the bottom of the matrix, and looks up." He then
connects the document to the network trails leading
"down" to the pertinent topical areas and nodes.
A.2.c. Identify and briefly describe the general
production tools or building tools used in
construction of the system.
They use a variety of tools to create the hypertext
1) "Cleaning and chunking tools" - Turbo
Lightning (spell checker) to remove data errors,
document-splitting utilities to divide the documents
into conceptual nodes, ordinarily a screen or two in
2) Pre-hypertexting tools - TR (Word
processor/Editor), to reformat the document text for
best screen presentation. It is also used for
embedding or insertion of hypertext links within
directly into text of information base documents.
3) Network-building tools - Phillips uses Houdini, a
matrix-outliner as the main tool for building and
updating the complex hypertext hierarchy and network.
He uses Houdini to maintain a "3-dimensional"
conceptual map outline if the domain. He is able to
use the matrix outliner locate or place documents
into the network. He describes this as "creating the
conceptual map."
Phillips simultaneously uses two networked AT-class
computers for the hypertext authoring task. There are
also two other microcomputers running, for allied
support tasks. The two networked units run Carousel
multi-tasking software. Each of these machines can
simultaneously access the current CD-ROM database, as
well as the "new material" on magnetic disk. The two
networked computers each simultaneously operate
multiple task copies of a DOS shell utility, the
matrix outliner, the CD-ROM software, the TR editor,
and other useful utilities. The end result is that
each computer is running simultaneous copies of
multiple authoring tools, as well as being networked
together. The networking allows easy file transfer,
as well as sharing of the CD-ROM and other peripheral
This collection of software tools makes it possible
for Phillips to handle multiple tasks, as necessary.
He begins with the "current" CD-ROM master network as
a base for the future network. He then modifies it to
include the new and updated material, and also flags
files for deletion. He is thus constantly updating
and modifying the definitions of the multiple included
As noted, Phillips has multiple sessions running on
each machine, with a variety of software tools at
hand. He may use simultaneous, windowed display of a
new document in the editor; related older CD-ROM
documents loaded into the editor for added linking or
modification; Houdini display of the different complex
and interlocking networks; a copy of Houdini where he
is inputting phrases for the KWOC index; file transfer
utilities, etc.
For example, during the simple interview demonstration
of methods to this investigator, he had three or four
sessions running on each machine. Phillips commented
that he normally has a total of ten or twelve sessions
simultaneously running, on the two network-building
Phillips also uses the "TransText" editor to insert
embedded links directly into document text. These
include hypertext links to topically related files, to
network nodes, and linking sequentially preceding and
following text files, for documents which have been
split up, or "decomposed."
Phillips feels that the hypertext links embedded in
text are obviously important. But he feels that the
conceptual hierarchical network is the major
intellectual and access value contribution. The
network links offer multiple access paths to a given
topic, much like a multiple-entry library catalog.
The major advantage of hypertext is that the source or
text material is instantly available for quick
retrieval and display at the "end" of the network
trails. This is different from older information
retrieval models using final references to remotely
stored document media.
MaxThink CD-ROM production methodology has evolved to
the point where their CD service bureau maintains the
master working-file tape copies of the "current state"
of the CD-ROM. Phillips now submits only update
"changes" to the current database. These changes
typically include: 1) new text and network files; 2)
text and network files to be updated (after
modification); and, 3) files to be deleted. The
service bureau has developed utilities to merge these
changes into the current version, and can then proceed
with production of the new CD-ROM.
A.2.d. Identify and briefly describe the specialized
organizational and quality control tools which allow
you to build the system.
Houdini network builder - Phillips feels the most
important hypertext-building tool is the Houdini
matrix outliner or network-builder program. He does
not use the MaxThink hierarchical [flat] outliner, but
only the Houdini program. He uses it to build complex
conceptual networks of domain topics and descriptors.
These networks are also interconnected. The software
allow any network node to link to any other network
top level node or internal node. Houdini handles all
the necessary network links, and can also display the
text of the final referenced document files. Phillips
points out that building a complex conceptual network
like this absolutely requires a powerful and
sophisticated matrix tool like Houdini.
KWOC index - Houdini also contains a "glossary-
building" tool. This facility allows the author to
selectively flag network topics and descriptive file
pointers for inclusion in an online index. This is an
online KWOC index to all flagged network topic levels
and documents. The online index can be easily
displayed from virtually any point in the hypertext
system. KWOC entries themselves include hypertext
links, affording fast access to any included network
level or document node. The ease of operation makes
it an effective and economical indexing mechanism.
Hypertext editor - Phillips uses the TransText editor
to embed or insert interdocument links into the text
of document nodes. This editor can also execute
hypertext jumps, so it is an effective authoring tool.
He uses it to move throughout the network of text
documents, inserting links, making on-the-fly changes,
But he points out that this work generally involves
working with only a limited cluster or area of
topically pertinent document files. Any ASCII editor
with multi-document windows is capable of managing
such a micro-collection of information. But he feels
that this brute force "editor-only" approach can
simply not effectively manage the tens of thousands of
documents in a mega-hypertext. He reiterates that a
network manager is absolutely essential for effective
hypertext authoring.
Production tools - There are assorted other tools used
for efficient translation of the network into a CD-ROM
format. These are strictly processing tools, and
carry no real significance in system creation or
conceptual design.
B.1. ACCESS POINTS - Which of the following types of
access points are included in your system?
For each question item, please rate using the following
categories, and comments as needed...
P)resent,E)asily achievable,M)odifications needed,N)ot
B.1.a. Main file sequence - direct file access
Category: [P] E M N
The text files are divided into MS-DOS subdirectories,
containing a maximum of about 100-125 files, to
maintain DOS efficiency. Within the system, a file
may be directly accessed with a simple "GOTO" command,
using the convention of the DOS filename within angle
brackets, for example, "<TESTFILE>".
B.1.b. Author
Category: [P] E M N
MaxThink uses author access within some areas of their
information base.
Author access may easily be provided by building links
from author listings.
This is an editorial option. As Phillips phrases it,
"Representation form decision is simply a choice of
the best way to represent the information." (This
applies to most of the "editorial option" answers
B.1.c. Title
Category: [P] E M N
Author access may easily be provided by building links
from author listings. This is an editorial option.
MaxThink uses author access within some areas of their
information base.
B.1.d. Name forms
Category: P [E] M N
DaTa does not presently use this access approach, but
it is an editorial option.
B.1.d.i. Personal names
Category: P [E] M N
DaTa does not presently use this access approach, but
it is an editorial option.
B.1.d.ii. Corporate names (Companies, organizations,
government, etc.)
Category: P [E] M N
DaTa does not presently use this access approach, but
it is an editorial option.
B.1.e. Keywords
Category: [P] E M N
The "Glossary" module of the MaxThink software gives
KWOC access to both network and file nodes.
B.1.f. Subject/Topic/Concept
Category: [P] E M N
The network access design is based upon end user
choice of topical or subject coverage. The author
describes the network subject choices as "subject
metaphors," or "creative descriptions." He attempts to
coin these descriptive headings or choices as three-
word phrases, per Lakoff.
B.1.g. Geographic
Category: P [E] M N
DaTa does not presently use this access approach, but
it is an editorial option.
Phillips notes that it would appear to be a domain-
specific value. If geographical access is
implemented, he would recommend providing it with
Houdini network input to create Glossary KWOC entries.
B.1.h. Date, chronological, temporal
Category: P [E] M N
DaTa does not consistently use this access approach,
but it is an editorial option.
Phillips notes that he occasionally does provide date
access for promulgating agency documents.
B.1.i. Language
Category: P [E] M N
DaTa does not presently use this access approach, but
it is an editorial option.
B.1.j. Document format - book, article, pamphlet, report,
Category: P [E] M N
DaTa does not presently use this access approach, but
it is an editorial option.
Their file-naming syntax partially provides this kind
of information, but Phillips would recommends using
Houdini network links to represent it.
B.1.k. Document position - section, page, location
Category: [P] E M N
This is an editorial representation decision. The
menus or document nodes can reflect and provide access
to specific pages, locations, document sections, etc.
The MaxThink hypertext runtime software also provides
string search access within a text file, and can be
used to locate regular heading or pagination forms,
etc. This would not be equivalent to postcoordinate,
indexed field, search, but could provide the same kind
of access.
B.1.l. Automated field specifications - record size, entry
date, notations, originator, etc.
Category: P [E] M N
The MaxThink hypertext software cannot itself do any
kind of Boolean search of the information base. It
DOES have the ability to use links or function keys to
invoke external programs. This can include the
ability to run database or text-searching programs on
the same (or a surrogate) information base.
B.2 ACCESS APPROACHES - Which of the following subject or
topical information devices are used in your system?
For each question item, please rate using the following
categories, and comments as needed...
P)resent,E)asily achievable,M)odifications needed,N)ot
B.2.a. Classification schemes
(NOTE: On opening discussion of this topic area,
Phillips observed amusedly that this area of
classification schemes was an "entirely subjective"
one. As he put it, "We're pointing to the same box of
ASCII files. If you disagree with my classification,
use your own, or use a combination of multiple access
B.2.a.i. Hierarchical taxonomy
Category: [P] E M N
The entire basis of the MaxThink approach to hypertext
is the use of controlled hierarchical taxonomies,
especially in interconnected network form.
B.2.a.ii. Enumerative, universal, classification [Dewey
type classification]
Category: P [E] M N
DaTa does not presently use this access approach, but
it is an editorial option.
This would be easily implemented by creating or
importing the classification file with the MaxThink
outliner. (Phillips describes this tool as the one to
use for "hard hierarchies." The basic classification
could then be moved into the Houdini matrix tool, for
easy linking to the information base text files.
B.2.a.iii. Specialized, literary warrant, classification
[Library of Congress, Reader Interest Classification]
Category: P [E] M N
DaTa does not presently use this access approach, but
it is an editorial option.
The author could use the same approach for
classification operations as in the preceding item.
B.2.a.iv. Faceted classification (analytico-synthetic)
[PRECIS style of indexing] [C., p.65]
Category: P [E] M N
This is an editorial representation decision.
In this case the author would need to use external
software to build and maintain the faceted
classification representation. The hypertext
authoring software could easily import ASCII text file
output produced by the external software, and use them
in building links.
B.2.b. Indexing approaches
B.2.b.i. Alphabetical index, separate or dictionary file
Category: [P] E M N
This is an editorial representation decision, an
alphabetical index can be manually produced with the
present authoring tools. The hypertext software can
also utilize ASCII text output from standard indexing
B.2.b.i.A. Keywords, extracted or assigned
Category: [P] E M N
The DaTa CD is produced including a KWOC index,
produced from assigned descriptive phrases, and
descriptive text lines extracted from information base
text files. External software utilities could also be
used for keyword extraction.
B.2.b.i.B. Controlled vocabulary assignment
Category: P [E] M N
DaTa does not presently use this access approach, but
it is an editorial option.
The author can use manual means, or external software,
for maintenance of the controlled vocabulary.
B.2.b.i.C Relative index, e.g., to Dewey classification
Category: P [E] M N
DaTa does not presently use this access approach, but
it is an editorial option.
The author can use manual indexing means, or external
software, for maintenance of the index.
B.2.b.ii. Term manipulation indexes (generally for
production of printed output)
Category: P [E] M N
DaTa does not presently use this access approach, but
it is an editorial option.
This would require an external software utility, to
produce index in ASCII text format, for hypertext
linking source.
B.2.b.ii.A. Simple permuted or rotated - KWIC
Category: P [E] M N
DaTa does not presently use this access approach, but
it is an editorial option.
This would require an external software utility, to
produce index in ASCII text format.
B.2.b.ii.B. Ordered by extracted element - KWOC
Category: [P] E M N
The present DaTa CD contains an online KWOC index with
hypertext links to network and file nodes.
B.2.b.ii.C. String indexing (phrase-manipulation, rotation
of terms) - PRECIS, NEPHIS, etc.
Category: P [E] M N
DaTa does not presently use this access approach, but
it is an editorial option.
This would require an external software utility, to
produce index in ASCII text format.
B.2.b.ii.D. Chain indexing (string indexing, with forms
reflecting basic taxonomy of terms [C., p. 67]
Category: P [E] M N
DaTa does not presently use this access approach, but
it is an editorial option.
This would require an external software utility, to
produce index in ASCII text format.
B.2.b.iii. Classified index (generally requires secondary
alphabetical index, for ease of use) [C., p. 56]
Category: P [E] M N
DaTa does not presently use this access approach, but
it is an editorial option.
The author can use manual means, or external software,
for maintenance of the controlled vocabulary.
B.2.b.iv. Coordinate indexing - Manual coordination or
automated database file, using Boolean search [C., p.
Category: P [E] M N
Easily be accomplished by hypertext link call of
external text or database searching program.
B.2.b.iv.A. Older non-automated searching methods -
peekaboo, edge-notched cards, Uniterm terminal digit
Category: P E M [N]
Not applicable to electronic system.
B.2.b.iv.B. Database file search - Sequential or indexed
field search
Category: P [E] M N
Easily be accomplished by hypertext link call of
external text or database searching program.
B.2.b.iv.C. Full text search
Category: P [E] M N
Easily be accomplished by hypertext link call of
external text or database searching program.
B.2.b.v. Faceted indexing [C., p 65]
Category: P [E] M N
DaTa does not presently use this access approach, but
it is an editorial option.
The author will need external software, to generate
and maintain the faceted index.
B.2.b.vi. Citation indexing [C., p. 72]
Category: P [E] M N
DaTa does not presently use this access approach, but
it is an editorial option.
The author can use manual means, or external software,
for maintenance of the citation index. A citation
index using hypertext links could display cited
electronic text, or could link to external systems for
presentation of more information. This could include
online databases, online library catalogs, etc.
B.3. CONTROL MECHANISMS - Which of the following subject
access control measures, intended to control
consistency, form, and item sequencing, are present in
your system?
For each question item, please rate using the following
categories, and comments as needed...
P)resent,E)asily achievable,M)odifications needed,N)ot
B.3.a. Classification schedule
Category: [P] E M N
The domain-specific taxonomy created by Phillips is
essentially a "classification schedule," in expanded,
networked format. The matrix outliner affords great
flexibility in modifying the "classification" form.
It also simplifies relocating the linked text nodes.
B.3.b. Vocabulary control systems
Category: P [E] M N
This is an editorial decision. Vocabulary control can
be accomplished using manual or external software
B.3.b.i. Authority/Headings files
Category: P [E] M N
This is an editorial decision. Vocabulary control can
be accomplished using manual or external software
B.3.b.ii. Thesaurus control
Category: P [E] M N
This is an editorial decision. Vocabulary
control can be accomplished using manual or external
software means. Simple synonym control is already
taken care of in the KWOC index, using a utility
B.3.b.iii. Derived-term methods or algorithms
Category: P E [M] N
Possible, using external program, to generate text for
import into the hypertext format. Phillips observes,
"If you're a domain expert, you don't need it."
(Referring to the person authoring the hypertext.)
B.3.b.iv. Hierarchical search thesaurus (for database file
Category: P E M [N]
Not possible or useful with the hypertext associative
linking approach. Could certainly be a feature of
external searching software called up by link
B.3.b.v. Entry term form control mechanisms
Category: P [E] M N
This is an editorial decision. Entry form
control can be accomplished using manual or external
software means.
B.3.b.v.A. Entry syntax (preferred noun/adjective, etc.,
construction form)
Category: [P] E M N
Present editorial practice for entry of network
descriptive phrases. Can easily use external software
for greater control, if deemed necessary.
B.3.b.v.B. Standard number approach (plural, singular
form preference)
Category: [P] E M N
Present editorial practice for entry of network
descriptive phrases. Phillips uses software utility
to depluralize and clean up glossary index listing.
B.3.b.v.C. Automatic depluralization (database file)
Category: P [E] M N
Not possible or useful with the hypertext associative
linking approach. Could be a feature of external
search software called up by link commands. Automatic
depluralization IS used within the MaxThink KWOC
B.3.b.v.D. Synonym definition (database file)
Category: P [E] M N
Not at all possible or useful with the hypertext
associative linking approach. Could be a feature of
external search programs called up by link commands.
Synonym control IS used within the MaxThink KWOC
indexing module.
B.3.c. "Standard Subdivision" or faceted classification
Category: [P] E M N
Used in present editorial approach, for automatic
ordering of network entry types in the glossary index
KWOC file.
B.3.d. Term or descriptor relationships - Roles, links,
Category: P E [M] N
Not currently implemented. Have considered this
possibility, as a "filtration" or "selective viewing"
device to help the end user. Already have "hooks" in
the software which could use this approach to display
only those links meeting assigned or selected
features, instead of all embedded links.
B.3.e. Filing or sorting rules
Category: [P] E M N
Presently use straight ASCII sort in glossary index
listing. Could alternatively use external utility and
use some other sorting algorithm.
B.3.f. Manual or automated authority/procedural safety
Category: [P] E M N
Use multiple backup approaches.
FILE BACKUP - These files contain copies of taxonomies,
multiple networks, index source text and KWOC listing
1) Archive of past CD-ROMS, both off- and on-
2) Daily streaming-tape backup of active
authoring file.
PAPER BACKUP - Hard copy of the network hierarchies.
Produced by printing copy of the network matrix
with the MaxThink flat outliner software. This gives
multiple-entry listing of the interlinked network